30 Years Sustaining Partnerships For Innovations In Community Health!
Envisioning a Healthcare System based on health equity and racial justice for optimal health of the most vulnerable population and communities of society.
To engage institutions, communities, community health centers and other stakeholders in education, research and service partnerships to reorient health professions education, improve health of communities, and promote healthcare system change.

Health Professions Education
Promote community based, community oriented primary care education for a range of health professions students, from high school through graduate and professional school, to improve community health services provided to underserved populations.

Community Engaged Partnered Research
Promote community derived and directed health services, public health, and clinical research in partnerships with academic medical centers, and university researchers that focus on health issues that impact diverse urban populations.

Community Health Development
Facilitate collaborative, integrated and coordinated community focused strategies to address community health challenges to impact the related social determinants of healthy community development.

Health Workforce Development
Promote workforce development strategies to address shortage areas, diversity, and other workforce needs of community health centers and other community health organizations.

Health Equity Policy
Promote public and institutional policy change in health professions education, community health, and healthcare access to create an equitable healthcare system for diverse populations and communities.